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Key Contacts
Aaron Mireles
Marketing Manager
Adhere Creative
John Powell
Investor Relations Manager
ACME, Inc.
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Dec 20, 2024

TD Asset Management Inc. ("TDAM") today announced the final annual 2024 reinvested distributions for certain TD Exchange-Traded Funds listed below (the "TD ETFs"). These annual reinvested...

Committee Charters

Listed below are individual charters for each of our committees which outline the conditions by which each committee operates.

Nominating Committee

ogether with the audit and compensation committees, the nominating/corporate governance committee rounds out the three standing committees of a public company’s board of directors. It plays a critical role in overseeing matters of corporate governance for the board, including formulating and recommending governance principles and policies. As its name implies, this committee is charged with enhancing the quality of nominees to the board and ensuring the integrity of the nominating process. Given the recent focus on board composition and diversity, director elections, and proxy access, the role of nominating/corporate governance committee is in the spotlight.